at the Township office, 5153 S.R. 303, Wakeman
All meetings are open to the public
bTrustees:Chris Hilaman 419-541-0215Dale Daniels 440-787-3426Seth Todd 440-751-6057Fiscal Officer;Diane Wolf 419-706-9733 or 440-839-2185The Wakeman Township Year-end financial reports for the fiscal year 2024 are available for public inspections. Please call Fiscal Officer, Diane Wolf to schedule an appointment.
Todd Wolf 419-706-2361Zoning Board Members Zoning Board of Appeals MembersJustin French 419-706-3862 Sam Woodruff 419-577-6803Doug King 440-315-3143 Ken Green 419-366-0404Steve Brewster 330-464-1070 John Krol 440-839-2011Helen Wheeler 440-839-1453 Matt Clemons- Alternate 440-213-3618 Nolan Todd 419-577-3581
Scott Keith - Alternate 2 419-345-4568
Zoning Codes available under Zoning Tab at the top of page.